Friday, July 9, 2010

Sweet Molly-girl ...

Kleenex Alert ... In one of my posts in November 2009, I wrote about our 3 doggies. We love our four-legged friends and have "pet" names for each of them and Molly's was "Molly-girl". Unfortunately, Andy had to have Molly put down earlier this morning. I can't tell you how sad I am. I'm sad that Andy and Austin had to take care of this without Chandler and I there. I'm sad that I have on my brave face. I want very badly to take it off and mourn the loss of our sweet dog Molly. I'm sad that we will need to deal with this loss with Chandler at some point once we return home. The whole darn thing breaks my heart. I have almost cried a hundred times today - you wouldn't believe the bags under these eyes! I'm sure people see me and think, that poor lady.

Molly had a tumor in her stomach that had grown to the point she could no longer eat. It came up rather suddenly and grew quickly. She just started acting different about 6 weeks ago, it seemed like nothing to worry too much over, she was still eating, just not playing quite as much. Then she started losing her appetite about 2 weeks ago, but she was still eating and drinking. The timing of her getting sick was just so unfortunate. She didn't eat to speak of since Sunday, so Andy took her to the vet on Thursday morning before he came back here to the hospital. They told him she had a tumor and that there certainly are options and places we could take her, but these options would be very costly and would give no guarantees that they could even help her. The vet kept her overnight last night and kept her comfy with an IV. Andy and Austin went and visited with her this morning before she was put to sleep.

This post is pretty long and if you don't have a minute, you may not want to read it all. I figure that "putting pen to paper" so to speak, to remember some great things about her could be somewhat therapeutic and I could use some good therapy right about now ... so here goes.

Molly found her way into our lives about 6 years ago. It was estimated that she was about 2 years old, which made her the same age as Minx. She had been tied on a leash and was left at a construction site of a new home being built in Hamilton Mill. She was left there along with an opened bag of dog food that had gotten all moldy. She was so timid and scared. The lady who found her is a runner and for several days she would see Molly poke her head around and watch as she went by. She stopped and walked over to her one day and couldn't get her to come to her. She repeated this several days and finally Molly came to her. She ran home and then drove back and just took Molly from there. Not being in the market for a dog, she couldn't really keep Molly and we just happened to be looking for a companion for Minx. The timing was right and Molly was the perfect dog for us. I can't tell you how long it took her to warm up to Andy. She was scared to death of men in the beginning. And that dog, I'll tell ya, I was a little frustrated those first couple of months because she was bound and determined to get out of our fence. She didn't really go anywhere, she just didn't want to be confined. We blocked so many holes in those early months and then one day she just stopped. I guess it finally sunk in that she was safe here and she just stopped digging. Minx was crate trained when we got Molly and he came in every night to sleep in his crate, so I needed to get her on the same schedule. We gave her a little time, but then once we began the process, literally the first night she was crate trained and on the same schedule as Minx. She LOVED her crate. It was her safe haven. She had the sweetest demeanor and spirit and wouldn't hurt a fly, but she was seriously protective of her home when other dogs came around. She also hated it when it rained outside. That dog has stayed in her crate for well over 12 hours before because she didn't want to be out in the rain or be too close to the sound of thunder. Critter Country Club is where we board our dogs when we go out of town and they got to know Molly and her quirky little behaviors. She actually loved it when we'd go there. Couldn't get out of the car fast enough. The vet is a different story. She would low crawl all the way in the door and about half the time, I'd have to carry her in. And then once we are in a room, she was so nervous, she pooped every time. Without fail. She loved to roll over and get you to scratch her belly. Harsh words broke her heart and would make her hang her head. She was so good though that it was rare for her to get scolded. She loved Minx and he loved her right back. He was the king of the yard and she let him be, but he knew not to push her too far on certain things because she would stand her ground.

We will miss our Molly-girl.


spphhw said...

Gina, I am so sorry to hear about Molly. I hate that you have to deal with this in addition to what's going on with Chandler. Please let me know if I can do anything. Pam

Unknown said...

Sooo sad! Never a good time for this, but now was definitely not good. Thanks for the kleenex warning.

Anonymous said...

Gina, thank you for sharing your story about Molly. I am soooo sorry for you and your family that this happened during this time in your life. I know that must be hard for you to show a strong face for Chandler when you are so sad inside. Sounds like you need a big hug, and I wish I was there to give you one. I would really like to help in some way, so please let me know.
Denise P

Kim said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Molly. She was very lucky to have such a great home for the time that she was with you. I know you will miss her.