Today was Chandler's 1 month follow up appt with Dr. Oswald. It really couldn't have gone any better. It's all just still so unbelievable!!! One month ago, it was hard to imagine us being where we are today. We went prepared with our questions that have come to mind during the last few weeks. Chandler wanted to be in charge of the list this time, so she typed all the questions into her phone. First, she had an xray done and then the dr came in. He is VERY happy with the way everything looks and the way she is progressing. Her left shoulder is still a little higher than the other one, but it should continue to work it's way to normal. He had a few more things to say and then asked if we had any questions. I think he was amused by Chandler being in charge of the questions this time. Much to her chagrin, most of the answers were NO you can't do that yet - let the healing process continue to take place and come see me in 3 months. We did get permission for her to dribble the basketball while walking, no running; to take longer walks, which will hopefully help with her stamina and to rebuild some of the muscle-tone in her legs that she has lost; and she can ride a stationary bike. Of course, she thought he was going to release her to start playing ball in the driveway, jogging with her cross country team and doing some light weights with her arms and legs. Dr. Oswald did say at the end of it all that most of his 1 month follow-up appts don't go quite that way. :-) So, looks like we'll spend the next 3 months reining her in and reminding her to take it slow. Chandler will probably be counting down the days and have big expectations for our next appt at the end of October!!
... we think this guy is pretty wonderful ...
Chandler & Dr. Timothy Oswald

And now what we've all been waiting for .... comparison xrays. WOW!! (FYI: she did have on a cami that had some wires and she had on her belt - that's what some of the extra things are in the middle and bottom of the right xray.) Left xray was pre-surgery and right xray is 1 month post-surgery. Her back is cobalt-titanium-rod-straight now!! Oh, and answers to a few questions we get alot .... How big or long is her incision? It is the entire length of the rods. Will the rods or screws ever be taken out? No, never. Will she set off a metal detector? Quite possibly. She will have a card with her at all times which tells what kind of surgery she had.
We are so happy with her progress and again, so thankful to each and every person who has taken even a minute of your time to say a prayer for Chandler. We are sooooo blessed!!
WOW!! Thanks for the photos. Absolutely amazing. Will keep praying for her healing.
That comparison shot is amazing! I'm really happy that she is doing so well.
Wow What a difference. That is amazing, and she is an amazing young lady.
Denise P.
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