Chandler went in to surgery right at 7:30am. We arrived here at 6:00am and she was a little anxious waiting in the pre-op room, so they gave her a little drink that helped her get over that pretty quickly. :-) I asked if I could have one too. The nurse wasn't amused.
We should get an update every hour or so. Will post again as soon as I do.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and your prayers.
3 days ago
So thankful that Chandler can have this surgery at a place where they can give her a "special drink" to help with nerves and anxiety. Praying and thinking of you all!
Gina, our thoughts and prayers are with Chandler and her family today. Keep posting to let us know how things are going. I'm praying for you especially b/c I know how anxious us mamas can be and it gets no better the older they get. Love to you all!
Donna Parker
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