I told you about the stray mama and her puppies we inherited on my last post. Since then, we found homes for the three babies. Yay! That was more work than I thought it would be to add 4 dogs into our everyday routine for over 3 weeks. Once the slideshow was posted to youtube and a few flyers were posted around town, it was only 1 week until they were all adopted. We were pleased with that turn around time. The new owners of Cody, Meg and Pumpkin (the puppies new names) are so happy with their new additions. So that leaves us with mama dog ~ Shadow. Looks like she's a keeper. She goes in for spaying and shots on Monday.
I've been slowly introducing her to Minx and Molly's daily routine. She's been sleeping in the garage with them at night for a while (although they are in crates, up until now, she's been sleeping on a bed of towels in the corner). I've put her in the fence with them several times during the day. The first couple of times I literally sat in the kitchen and watched out the window the entire time to make sure Minx and Molly were nice to her. I felt like I was watching The Dog Whisperer. Dog behavior is very interesting. And this weekend, she got her first taste of being in a crate. She really didn't like this idea at all, but was willing to comply (after a little shove).
I want to take a picture of our 3 doggies all together. Not sure if that's even possible, but thought I might give it a try with Austin & Chandler's help. We'll try later this week and post the results of the photo session. :-) Until then, following are individual pics of our canine friends.
I've been slowly introducing her to Minx and Molly's daily routine. She's been sleeping in the garage with them at night for a while (although they are in crates, up until now, she's been sleeping on a bed of towels in the corner). I've put her in the fence with them several times during the day. The first couple of times I literally sat in the kitchen and watched out the window the entire time to make sure Minx and Molly were nice to her. I felt like I was watching The Dog Whisperer. Dog behavior is very interesting. And this weekend, she got her first taste of being in a crate. She really didn't like this idea at all, but was willing to comply (after a little shove).
I want to take a picture of our 3 doggies all together. Not sure if that's even possible, but thought I might give it a try with Austin & Chandler's help. We'll try later this week and post the results of the photo session. :-) Until then, following are individual pics of our canine friends.
